Big data & security

Polyatomic time crystal

We carry out instant live analysis of a big data without requiring a program, we use microwave input and optical output for live computing. We have changed the RosenBlatt's theorem and created a life-like deep learning network that created nested layers in 12 dimensions for analysing big data instantly.

Vortex encryption

We read bit stream data from the source and then encrypt any data into bit stream such that all principles of polyatomic time crystal is encoded as mechanical, magnetic or electromagnetic, or electrical vortices or vortex assembly. Composition of vortices or a field structure is transported classically for cyber security.

Beyond Quantum key

We create space-time-topology-prime key which could open the encrypted data using beyond quantum teleportation. Quantum teleportation is a quantum information transport, and beyond quantum is fractal mechanics and primal mechanics and apart from teleportation we use 3D printing of organic gel as beyond quantum key.

Universal language converter

Using geometric musical language, GML, we convert any unknwon data without knowing its language, grammar, content and context. Our converter reads any data, from weather forecast to facial expression and recognition, that too without any algorithm.